Here are your results!

This estimation is only based on the data you provided. Missing expenses or activities would mean your full carbon footprint is not covered. If you use a more comprehensive method to measure your emissions that covers more factors, you should anticipate a higher estimation.
Estimated total
tons of CO2
Your scope overview
Scope 1 - Direct emissions
tons of CO2
Scope 2 - Indirect emissions
tons of CO2
Scope 3 - Supply chain emissions
tons of CO2
Level of completeness

This estimation is based only on the data you have provided, covering until  5/15 Scope 3 categories. If you want a complete estimation, continue with our premium platform.

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Want a more precise measurement?

Now you have a picture of how your company's emissions look like, but that is not enough to have real results.

Unlock the full potential of your company with our premium emission estimation platform. Our advanced techniques will provide you with more accurate and reliable data to report with confidence.

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